From Roland Piquepaille writes "As you might know, I enjoy big numbers. So it's just natural that I was attracted by this news release from the University of Utah, " Bad Mileage: 98 tons of plants per gallon. " "A staggering 98 tons of prehistoric, buried plant material is required to produce each gallon of gasoline we burn in our cars, SUVs, trucks and other vehicles." For a reasonably efficient car, riding 25 miles per gallon, this translates to 4 tons of prehistoric...
[Abbas Hooshmand 21/10/03]This is a controversial question: News are around that the U.S. is going to start expansion of her Nuclear Power program in the light of much safer new reactor designs. It is also said that the Australian Government is going to stop shyness from discussing the issue and there might be a nuclear energy program in the hindsight. Even if the new reactor designs are much safer than previous designs, the main worry for environment remains to be the disposal of nuclear waste....